Our Work Culture at Project 100 Marketing Company

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Though internal, the culture of a company directly affects its output. It affects the way in which a workplace collaborates, contributing to the company’s personality. This was a learning curve worth reminiscing that we experienced after the birth of Project 100. The following video sums up the meaning of life at Project 100

Here is what we’ve learned in the past decade –At Project 100, we define the meaning of life in many ways. Though there are four particular aspects that speak a thousand words to our team. Those are that life is…

  1. Time

To achieve many things in life, you must be able to use time wisely. In 2007 when Project 100 began, we didn’t know how to do this. We were trying to cover everything – rookie error!This is when we learned that time is important, though it is…

  1. Limited

Not everything on your to do list is equally important. So, considering that time is important though limited, we figured that life is…

  1. Choice

Choose to spend your time wisely. Choose to invest your hours in learning something new, in time with your loved ones, and in the most important projects.

This learning curve taught us that life is…

  1. Learning

We learned a lot in our early years. By 2012 we pivoted our role to focus on moving slower, helping people, travelling, and meeting new people to achieve a work culture that was balanced. It has allowed our team to thrive in our ideal environment.

Life is…well, life and we want to make sure that we allow everyone that works with us to live their life the way they want it.

What does life mean to you?